Every year at the end of Greek Week, UMD Greek Life puts on a banquet to commemorate those organizations who showed greatness. We had such a great time and loved supporting all of Greek Life!
Every year we look forward to the Polar Plunge. This year we raised over $3100 for Special Olympics through donations for Beta! This is one of our highest years and we are so excited for next years! This semester we went roller skating with Phi Kappa Psi and had a great time! This semesters pinning was a success! We pinned 3 new sisters in training and we are so excited to get to know them! Every semester our Wellness & Risk Management chair puts on a self defense workshop for all of us by the campus police. It is a great event where we learn a lot and get to show off our skills! Once a year Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity puts on a benefit dinner in hopes of raising money for their philanthropy, St. Jude's Children's Hospital. We were so happy to attend and support our beefcake, Nick, who is a current member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. This semester we celebrated Halloween in a fun way- by decorating cookies! We loved meeting all of the new members and being spooky! It's a tradition to do three legged bowling with Alpha Delta every semester and we had so much fun this semester! Every semester we go and clean our highway for the day! Here we were able to bring some sisters in training with us to learn about keeping care of the highway!